Monday, July 12, 2010

Countdown to Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half Marathon

About 4 weeks after registering for the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half marathon, I got my first running injury: piripormis syndrome. Self diagnosed, of course! (If you personally know me, you know that I am addicted to WebMD and self diagnosing any niggle that I've got!). Basically it means that I've got a pain in my ass! It actually extends from my hip, through my butt and down my thigh. I attempted to keep up with my training plan, while completing a whole slew of new stretches and strengthening exercises. Alas, I ended up having to give into the injury and took about 5 days off from running. Yes, I know that is not a significant amount of time to recover from an injury, but I did not want to lose the distance that I had gained in my training! Since my little break, I've done 2 runs which went very well. The pain is almost gone and I've decided to try to run just every 2 days until the pain is gone. My next run will be tomorrow morning.

69 days until my half!

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